Friday, 14 February 2014



Hello guys today I am going to talk about basic HTML which is useful for hackers in many purposes. A hacker must have basic knowledge about HTML which makes easy to understand web pages,XSS , phishing etc. When there is a  vulnerability in victim’s website, a hacker must have a little idea about what it is. Hence he must get used to HTML to identify and take control over the website! When I entered in the world of computers,blogging and hacking I was not at all aware of HTML but having a regular touch with web
pages and there codes I was able to learn and understand it. HTML is very easy, you just have to be a quick learner to get to know it! So below are few lessons which help you to get a basic notion…
Lesson 1: Introduction to HTML
HTML consists of lot of tags which are used to design a webpage.HTML tags are keywords surrounded by angle brackets like <html>. HTML tags normally come in pairs like <b> and </b>. These tags are like a set of commands. The first tag in a pair is the start tag, the second tag is the end tag. Start and end tags are also called opening tags and closing tags. Every code starts with a simple tag “<html>” and end with “</html>”. The text between <html> and </html> describes the web page
<body><h1>My First Heading</h1><p>My first paragraph.</p></body>
        The text between <body> and </body> is the visible page content. The text between <h1> and </h1> is displayed as a heading. The text between <p> and </p> is displayed as a paragraph.
Lesson 2: Create your own test web page
If you want to create a web page on your own computer, just right click the link, and select “save target as” or “save link as”. Save it with any name wich ends with “.htm” or “.html
After you have saved the files, you can open the file which you have saved and see your first web site in action.
Similarly you can create more pages by just writing few simple codes in notepad and saving it as “.htm
TIP: I suggest you experiment with everything you learn here by editing your web files  Notepad.
Lesson 3: HTML basic tags
HTML headings:
<h1>This is a heading</h1>
<h2>This is a heading</h2>
<h3>This is a heading</h3>
HTML links:
<a href=””>This is a link</a>
HTML images:
<img src=” &#8221; width=”104″ height=”142″ />
Empty HTML elements:
HTML elements with no content are called empty elements.
<br> is an empty element without a closing tag, the <br> tag defines a line break.
Lesson 4: HTML reference attributes
Attributes are the worlds used inside a HTML opening tag to adjust the title, class, width and height (if image).
Example: <img src=””104″ height=”142″ />
Below is a table which give few tags (Source of the table : W3schools)
classclassnameSpecifies a classname for an element
ididSpecifies a unique id for an element
stylestyle_definitionSpecifies an inline style for an element
titletooltip_text Specifies extra information about an element (displayed as a tool tip)
Specifies the text direction for the content in an element
langlanguage_code              Specifies a language code for the content in an element.
xml:langlanguage_codeSpecifies a language code for the content in an element.
onloadscript                            Script to be run when a document load
onunloadscriptScript to be run when a document unload
onblurscriptScript to be run when an element loses focus
onchangescriptScript to be run when an element changes
onfocusscriptScript to be run when an element gets focus
onresetscriptScript to be run when a form is reset
onselectscript Script to be run when an element is selected
onsubmitscript                             Script to be run when a form is submitted
onclickscriptScript to be run on a mouse click
ondblclickscriptScript to be run on a mouse double-click
onmousedownscriptScript to be run when mouse button is pressed
onmousemovescript                             Script to be run when mouse pointer moves
onmouseoutscriptScript to be run when mouse pointer moves out of an element
onmouseoverscriptScript to be run when mouse pointer moves over an element
onmouseupscriptScript to be run when mouse button is released
Lesson 5: HTML tag list
DTD: indicates in which HTML 4.01 / XHTML 1.0 DTD the tag is allowed. S=Strict, T=Transitional, and F=Frameset
<!–…–>Defines a commentSTF
<!DOCTYPE>Defines the document typeSTF
<a>Defines an anchorSTF
<abbr>Defines an abbreviationSTF
<acronym>Defines an acronymSTF
<address>Defines contact information for the author/owner of a documentSTF
<applet>Deprecated. Defines an embedded appletTF
<area />Defines an area inside an image-mapSTF
<b>Defines bold textSTF
<base />Specifies the base URL/target for all relative URLs in a documentSTF
<basefont />Deprecated. Specifies a default color, size, or font for all the text in a documentTF
<bdo>Overrides the current text directionSTF
<big>Defines big textSTF
<blockquote>Defines a long quotationSTF
<body>Defines the document’s bodySTF
<br />Defines a single line breakSTF
<button>Defines a clickable buttonSTF
<caption>Defines a table captionSTF
<center>Deprecated. Defines centered textTF
<cite>Defines a citationSTF
<code>Defines a piece of computer codeSTF
<col />Defines attribute values for one or more columns in a tableSTF
<colgroup>Specifies a group of one or more columns in a table for formattingSTF
<dd>Defines a description of an item in a definition listSTF
<del>Defines text that has been deleted from a documentSTF
<dfn>Defines a definition termSTF
<dir>Deprecated. Defines a directory listTF
<div>Defines a section in a documentSTF
<dl>Defines a definition listSTF
<dt>Defines a term (an item) in a definition listSTF
<em>Defines emphasized textSTF
<fieldset>Groups related elements in a formSTF
<font>Deprecated. Defines font, color, and size for textTF
<form>Defines an HTML form for user inputSTF
<frame />Defines a window (a frame) in a framesetF
<frameset>Defines a set of framesF
<h1> to <h6>Defines HTML headingsSTF
<head>Defines information about the documentSTF
<hr />Defines a horizontal lineSTF
<html>Defines the root of an HTML documentSTF
<i>Defines italic textSTF
<iframe>Defines an inline frameTF
<img />Defines an imageSTF
<input />Defines an input controlSTF
<ins>Defines text that has been inserted into a documentSTF
<kbd>Defines keyboard inputSTF
<label>Defines a label for an <input> elementSTF
<legend>Defines a caption for a <fieldset> elementSTF
<li>Defines a list itemSTF
<link />Defines the relationship between a document and an external resourceSTF
<map>Defines a client-side image-mapSTF
<menu>Deprecated. Defines a menu listTF
<meta />Defines metadata about an HTML documentSTF
<noframes>Defines an alternate content for users that do not support framesTF
<noscript>Defines an alternate content for users that do not support client-side scriptsSTF
<object>Defines an embedded objectSTF
<ol>Defines an ordered listSTF
<optgroup>Defines a group of related options in a drop-down listSTF
<option>Defines an option in a drop-down listSTF
<p>Defines a paragraphSTF
<param />Defines a parameter for an objectSTF
<pre>Defines preformatted textSTF
<q>Defines a short quotationSTF
<s>Deprecated. Defines strikethrough textTF
<samp>Defines sample output from a computer programSTF
<script>Defines a client-side scriptSTF
<select>Defines a drop-down listSTF
<small>Defines smaller textSTF
<span>Defines a section in a documentSTF
<strike>Deprecated. Defines strikethrough textTF
<strong>Defines strong textSTF
<style>Defines style information for a documentSTF
<sub>Defines subscripted textSTF
<sup>Defines superscripted textSTF
<table>Defines a tableSTF
<tbody>Groups the body content in a tableSTF
<td>Defines a cell in a tableSTF
<textarea>Defines a multiline input control (text area)STF
<tfoot>Groups the footer content in a tableSTF
<th>Defines a header cell in a tableSTF
<thead>Groups the header content in a tableSTF
<title>Defines a title for the documentSTF
<tr>Defines a row in a tableSTF
<tt>Defines teletype textSTF
<u>Deprecated. Defines underlined textTF
<ul>Defines an unordered listSTF
<var>Defines a variableSTF
<xmp>Deprecated. Defines preformatted text
With reference : W3schools

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