Friday, 14 February 2014



I am here to explain to you guys about telnet and how it is useful toprofessional hackers. I referred many TCP/IP books, blogs and as well as surfed net for gathering all the information about the telnet and uses and how to use telnet for hacking!
What is telnet?
Telnet is an application used on the internet to connect to a remote computer, enabling access to the computer and its resources.
We can spoof into a victim’s computer just by typing commands in the window [provided that the both computers are connected]. Telnet does not use the resources of the client’s computer but uses the resources of the server to which the client has connected.
How Telnet works and Uses of Telnet:
When you want to connect to a computer, the action consists of a connection, comparable to a connection via telephone, except the link remains within the internet. Your terminal connects to the server on the other computer and is able to give actions as input, and receive data in return i.e, output. Telnet is used for a number of activities such as telneting to an irc site, or checking email at another account, other online services, or perhaps an internet BBS, in addition to many other possibilities.Telnet is another example of cyberspace extension, or cybertravel, which enables the user to travel all across the internet accessing machines or databases that may offer different services or information.
How to connect to servers using telnet?
  • Firstly see that your computer and the victim’s computer/server have to be connected to Internet.
  • Go to start>Run [in windows]
  • Type telnet and hit enter, the telnet windows pops up.
  • Then type “telnet <host name> <port number> [ Here host name is IP address]
eg: telnet 23
What is a port number?
As I assume a port number to be a path through which the computers transfer the information packets to each other. There is a specific port number for each kind of information transfer. For example the SMTP uses port number 25 where as telnet uses 23. Similarly HTTP uses 80
Port scanning
Port scanning is a process where we scan for a particular computer to get the information about the open ports of that computer. Mostly in a computer 5 to 6 ports will be always open and through it we can get access into those computers and for this purpose we use port scanners. There are many port scanners but there is a chance always of being traced so I recommend to use a good proxy or perform backtracking. Network Mapper is a nice port scanner.
How to install telnet server on your windows computer?
Usually you can’t telnet into a Windows home computer. The reason is, they aren’t running telnet servers. Here’s how to get a telnet server on your home Windows computers so your friends and you can telnet in and play.
For Windows NT, the Options Pack includes a primitive telnet server.
For Windows 95/98/NT and 2000, you also can install shareware or commercial telnet servers. Check out, or just google it.
Try installing telnet at your risk since it makes your computer vulnerable to all sorts of trouble from hackers.
How is telnet useful to hacker?
Telnet can be used for spoofing mails, hacking websites, web servers , sending mail, anonymously mailing, hack into router and probe the PC’s  and it can also be used for sending unexpected input and sensitive data can be dragged out!
How to break into a computer using telnet?
You don’t have to use a web browser to access files on a web site. All you need to do is:
telnet <IP address> 80
Or specify port 80 in a Windows telnet.
If you are using Windows 95/98/NT, whenever you are NOT logging into a telnet account, you should enable local echo. Otherwise whatever you type in (unless you are in a telnet account) will not show on the screen. To enable local echo, click Terminal –> Preferences –> Local Echo.
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